Our farm is a living and breathing classroom
We are a working Certified Organic and sustainable farm, nestled among historic farm buildings, and surrounded by beautiful conservation areas, meadows, woods, and an Ice Pond. Our programs seek to connect children to nature in a way that will stick with them for life!
Connecting kids ages 3-14 to the natural world
Children may learn to care for our beloved barnyard animals, observe native wildlife, participate in sustainable farming, create art inspired by nature, cook, adventure, practice survival skills, build and invent, and get out to explore our unique natural learning environment!
Our programs and curriculum are tailored to your child's specific age group, finding ways to engage and excite children from ages 3-14! Our programs offer a way for children to "graduate" to the next level summer after summer and learn new things every year!
We offer tiered pricing, reduced prices, and scholarships too!
Scholarship applications are due 1/31/25 to receive an early response! However, we happily accept and review applications after this date (in the order received).
Early registration for Members opens Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 10 AM. *
Registration for everyone opens
Thursday, February 6, 2025, at noon.
*Become a family-level member by midnight 2/2/25 to receive early access instructions for our popular summer programs. Click here to learn more about early registration day.
Program registration and participation require:
1. Active FAMILY-LEVEL MEMBERSHIP when you register and during the week(s) your child participates in programs.
2. Current annual physical and immunization form dated after March 1, 2024. Forms dated before March 1, 2024 require families to upload a new form to their child's profile by May 1, 2025.
3. Early registration day members will receive an email sent to the address you submitted with your membership. You will not receive this email if you have unsubscribed to our emails or if your membership is not current.
4. Our program registration site will only hold your order in your cart for 15 minutes. Please plan accordingly.
In addition to our tier-C reduced-price option, families can elect to apply for a scholarship. Submit your application by 1/31/25 to receive a response prior to early registration day.
When is registration?
Our Summer Program registration site opens for everyone on February 6, 2025 at noon.
Member early registration day is February 5, 2025 at 10 am. Members will receive an email at this time with instructions and special link to access registration. Only this link will work. If you accidentally navigate away from the registration site, re-paste the link in your browser to reach the private page. (Read more about member early registration day below)
TIP: Download our Registration Day Tip Sheet and Check List!
What you should do before registration day:
1. Create or access your family registration account to ensure your child's profile is complete. For new families, you will want to set up your account and add all children you plan to register. You should upload their physician's letter and immunizations, add emergency contacts and the names of those you authorize to pick up your child, etc. Families with existing accounts should review and update their child's profile information and upload their most recent physician's letter/immunizations.
2. Family-level membership is required ($85) for all summer programs - Join or renew here
Membership must be active the day you register and during the week(s) your child(ren) participates in programs. Did you know we are a non-profit organization and our education and farming operations only cover 70% of the cost to operate Friends of Holly Hill Farm? Your membership supports our non-profit organization and is good for one full year. You will receive benefits like early access to registration, discounted vacation week and special one-day programming for children, early members-only access to our annual organic plant sale, discounted farm-to-table dinner tickets, and more!
4. Complete "Medical Information Form" and "Additional Information Form"
5. Upload your child's current physician['s letter and immunizations (scroll down to the bottom of their info page)
About early-access member registration day
What You Need to Register
Please have the following ready to proceed to registration:
(*The first five steps can be done now and before registration day to save you time! )
SUMMER HALF-DAY and FULL DAY SESSIONS + Early Drop off Available
(Check the schedule offered by your child's age group. Some programs start at the end of June.)
AGE REQUIREMENTS: Children must meet the age requirements for summer program sessions by the start date of their session.
If you have more questions, or if your child is on the cusp of two age groups, please read below for helpful information.
We strive to make educational programming accessible to all ages. Tiered pricing allows families to choose the price that works best for their family, while also becoming more aware of the costs associated with putting on educational programs for each child. This program is voluntary and families choose the tier that best suits their financial situation.
If your family is able to choose a higher tier, it allows more children to access programming. Your support allows Friends of Holly Hill Farm to better utilize the charitable contributions we need to operate our non-profit organization and continue with our mission of growing food for our community, educating all ages, and caring for this precious land.
What are the tiers?
Tier A: Cost to run program + tax-deductible contribution to support tiered pricing*
Tier B: Cost to run program
Tier C: Reduced price
If your family is unable to meet Tier C pricing, you can apply for additional scholarship funding through the Frank H. White Scholarship Fund. (Read on for details)
*Tier A: To calculate your tax-deductible donation amount simply deduct the Tier B cost from the Tier-A price you paid.
Summer Program Prices
All families must be current family-level members to register and participate. ($85)
Membership must be current to register and through the duration of your child's program.
All programs (except Counselor-in-Training)
Half Day 9 am -1 pm*:
Tier-A $414
Tier-B $360
Tier-C $307
Full Day 9 am-3 pm*:
Tier-A $561
Tier-B $489
Tier-C $407
Half Day: Tier-A $120, Tier-B $100, Tier-C $80*
Early Drop off 8 am -9 am**:
Children will receive one complimentary sustainable FHHF t-shirt made from 50% recycled water bottles, 25% organic cotton and 25% recycled fibers!
*Week of June 19 and July 4 are four-day weeks and rates are prorated.
**Early drop-off, is available to families with children registered for programming that day.
Frank H. White Scholarship
To submit your scholarship request, complete the form here by January 31, 2025 to receive a reply to your request in time for summer program registration opening day.
Requests can be submitted after this date as well. Requests are reviewed in the order received.
Please be aware that we have limited funds and may only be able to give up to 20% in funding (in addition to the Tier-C reduced cost).
This widely popular program is a terrific introduction to growing, working, and playing in an outdoor setting. During the week, children make frequent trips to visit the chickens, goats, donkey, and pony, getting to know the animal’s habits, what they eat, and even their personalities. In addition, they will plant and grow various crops, some of which they may bring home in their own decorated pots, and explore the red wigglers and other creatures of compost. Finally, the children will have adventures in the natural areas outside of the growing areas, including the Ice Pond, where they will find insects, amphibians, and all sorts of other creatures that use or make the pond their home. And along this journey, there will be many crafts, games, songs, and stories.
One week session
Half and full days
Weeks available:
Weeks 1-12: June 9 - August 29*
* Children must be age 3 by the session start date. All children must be reliably potty-trained and not wearing pull-ups.
* On June 19 and July 4 we will be closed in observance of the holidays. These 4-day weeks will be priced accordingly.
Questions about age requirements?
Our farm features many habitats, including growing areas, meadows, woods, marsh, and diverse flora & fauna. Children in this group will experience them all. Each day, we will work in the gardens, witnessing the plant’s cycle from seed to plant to flower to fruit while also performing chores to ensure the plants’ health and production of wonderful organic foods. We will also head out beyond the gardens with tools and strategies to explore and observe the wonders of nature, including pollinating insects, pond and marsh dwellers, life under rocks and logs, geological formations, and more. During these times, children will collect simple data, record observations, make connections and predictions, create models, play games, and have fun being immersed in the natural world.
One week sessions
Half and full days.
Weeks available:
Weeks 1-12: June 9 - August 29*
*Must be age 6-8 the session start date
Questions about age requirements?
* On June 19 and July 4 we will be closed in observance of the holidays. These 4-day weeks will be priced accordingly.
Children will experiment with different art forms and cooking techniques while exploring the natural beauty of Holly Hill Farm. They may paint a meadow landscape with watercolors, draw the Tomato Barn with pencil or other tools, sculpt an animal out of clay, construct leaf mandalas and stone and shell mosaics, and weave with grasses from the fields and marshes. And each day will include a new set of recipes that utilize produce they harvest from our gardens. In the end, they will create art for all senses.
One week sessions
Half and full days
Weeks available:
Week 6: July 14 week
Week 8: July 28 week
Must be age 9-14 by session start date.
Children will explore and create within the secret areas around the farm, including the woods, meadows, and Ice Pond. Each outing will open their eyes to new places and possibilities as they learn to navigate, observe, and create. Children will use compasses, practice basic survival skills, build shelters, create civilizations, quest, and more during these adventurous weeks.
One-week session
Half and full days.
Weeks available:
Week 5: July 7 week
Week 7: July 21 week
Must be age 9-14 by session start date.
Children will learn how to plant, grow, care for, and harvest seasonal fruits and vegetables in our education garden and other areas of the farm. In addition to this work, students will also prepare much of the harvest for donation to food pantries. Other aspects of the experience include working with the compost, visits to the farm fields and greenhouses, building new garden boxes and beds, and so much more. Children will also have opportunities to explore the trails and see how the farm is part of a much larger ecosystem. And during downtime, they will play games and enjoy the tastes of the harvest.
One-week session
Half and full days.
Week available:
Week 4: June 30 week
* On July 4 we will be closed for the holiday. This 4-day week session will be priced accordingly.
Must be age 9-14 by session start date.
Learn about all the details and nuances of working with young kids (ages 3-8) while becoming a confident, resourceful teacher. All counselors-in-training (CITs) will work with the lead teacher to gain experience and insight into activities and ways to engage younger campers in an outdoor setting. Certificates of completion will be handed out at week’s end and perhaps propel these counselors to return one day as a high school assistant teacher. CIT registrants must be attentive to camper needs.
Half day available
Weeks available:
Weeks 1-12: June 9 -August 29
*On June 19 and July 4 we will be closed for the holiday. This 4-day week session will be priced accordingly.
Must be age 12 by session start date.
Founded in 2012, the Farm to Food Pantry program welcomes students and volunteers year-round to participate in growing and donating produce to local area food pantries. Tasks include making compost, sowing seeds, transplanting, cooking, weeding, cultivating, harvesting, washing, and delivering the flowers, vegetables, flowers, and herbs.
During the summer we offer week-long programs
Starting June 16
Mondays - Fridays
8:30 -11:30 a.m.
Sign up for one week, a few, or many.
Membership is not required to participate.
This program uses a different registration site. Click the button below for more information and to register.
Would an earlier start work better for your family? Is your child a morning person? Join us for early drop-off!
Children will be with a teacher, they may explore some of the early morning happenings on the farm, listen to a story, create in the barn, play outdoors, or enjoy the beautiful morning and socialize with us and friends!
Sign up for one morning or all mornings of your child's session.*
You can register for early drop-off closer to your child's start date.
Ages 3-15
Must be registered for a half or full-day program the same week, to participate in the early drop-off program.
*June 19 & July 4 are observed holidays and there will be no programs on these days.
For MEMBERSHIP questions click here
General Questions:
Q: I tried preregistering but it doesn't recognize my email
A: If you already set up a household account on our registration site, simply log in with the email you used. You can reset your password if needed. If you have not signed up for a program 2022-2024 then set up a new account. Issues resetting your password? email us at programs@hollyhillfarm.org
Q: What if I don't have my child's health care letter from their provider? Or it is old? Or they haven't had a physical yet this year?
A: You must submit a letter to complete your registration online - the system will not let you skip this step. State and local health administrations require us to receive and review these letters and visits/letters must be current. If the letter you submit on registration day is dated prior to March 1, 2024 you will be required to re-upload a more current form by May 1, 2025 to participate in programs.
Q: Due to documented exemptions my child only has their annual physical letter but no vaccination records. What do I do?
A: Upload a copy of the physician's current physical form with the child's clearance to participate in school/sports/camps (without the vaccination records) and a copy of the religious exemption document. Forms from physician must be dated after March 1, 2024. If older, you must upload a more current form no later than May 1, 2025. If you have questions direct to programs@hollyhillfarm.org
Q: I already uploaded their physician's letter on this site before. Why do I need to again?
A: Our system only keeps letters for six months. We are required to review recent letters prior to each program. As long as your letter/visit is dated less than 16 months from the the start of session you are registering for, it is good in our system for 6 months.
Q: I attached my child's physical/immunization letter and the window keeps popping up. It doesn't say it was uploaded.
A: Sometimes the system does that due to a technical glitch - even though the upload went through correctly. If your letter upload didn't go through it will prompt you to upload again at checkout. If it does not prompt you, then you are all set. If it continues to give you issues you should make sure your file type meets the requirements it states. (JPG, PNG, DOC, DOCX and PDF files accepted)
Q: My child has allergies and/or may require medicine. Is there a form I need to complete?
A: Our Medicine Authorization Form (found on our program registration site) should be completed by May 1, 2025. FHHF staff can only administer EpiPens and inhalers. We do not administer any other form of medication.
Q: Is this a drop-off or can I stay with my child?
A: Summer programming is a drop-off program. However, of course, if your child needs help easing in we understand if they need a little help from you!
Q: If the program(s) I want is/are filled is there a wait list?
A: Yes, you can register for a waitlist for the week(s) you want on the registration site. We will notify interested applicants if openings become available based on the order received. We will contact you via email if a spot opens up. We will give you a set amount of time to reply before we go to the next person. Emails come from programs@hollyhillfarm.org "Friends of Holly Hill Farm Programs".
Q: What if I'm interested in scholarship opportunities, do I need to register?
A: This year we are offering Tiered-Pricing. Tier-C is a reduced cost of participation. If your family is requesting additional support, complete the form here by January 31, 2025 to receive a reply to your request in time for summer program registration. Requests can be submitted after this date as well. Requests are reviewed in the order received. Please be aware that we have limited funds and may only be able to give up to 20% in funding (in addition to the Tier-C reduced cost).
Q: If I want to sign my child up for the same program for a few sessions will it be exactly the same program?
A: The weekly younger programs will have a familiar format every week but with different activities based on what's happening around the farm, in nature, etc. There will always be some gardening and non-gardening activity.
Q: After I register, can I change my child's session?
A: Yes, but you will incur a cancellation fee. Requests to cancel must be in writing to programs@hollyhillfarm.org. We charge a $100 administrative fee for cancellations and require written notice at least 3 weeks prior to the start of the session. Switching sessions is the same as cancelling and our cancellation policy applies. If you wish to switch from full-day to half-day or vice-versa, our office can assist you (there is no fee to switch in this way). View our cancellation policy here.
Q: I need to cancel my child's registration. What do I do?
A: All cancellation requests must be received in writing at least 3 weeks before the start of your child's session. A $100 administrative fee will be deducted from your refund. If less than 3 weeks notice, no refunds are available. In the unlikely event we can fill your spot on short notice, we will refund you minus the $100 fee. Send an email to programs@hollyhillfarm.org
Q: I have been called off the waitlist and I want to cancel a week I had previously booked to take this new spot instead.
A: Our cancellation policy applies and a fee of $100 will be applied or (if more than 3 weeks notice.). No refund if less than 3 weeks before session start date.
Q: I booked a week but want to swap it for another week that is available - can I do that?
A: Our cancellation policy applies to the original session you wish to cancel. A fee of $100 will be applied before the refund if you cancel more than 3 weeks from your program start date. If you are cancelling less than 3 weeks from the start of the program, there is no refund. *Exception: requests to swap the same child into a different week’s session made within 72 hours of original registration and by March 15, 2024 can be granted with a fee of $50. Requests to switch after this date are subject to our full cancellation policy as stated above.
Q: We are on the waitlist. How are we notified?
A: If a spot becomes available we will contact you by email and you will have approximately 24 hours to reply (we will call if less than 24 hours and the session starts soon). The email will state the deadline to reply. If we do not hear from you we will go to the next in line.
Q: What if I prefer my child to be in a different aged program and they do not meet the age requirement? (For reasons such as a sibling is in the same group, you feel they are better suited in a different age group, they have special requirements, or they want to be with a friend)
A: We prefer to keep children in the defined age groups and grade levels. We have created programs with these ages in mind so that groups are well-balanced and children have peers who are very close to their age. Moving a child up or down may take a spot away from another child. However, we are happy to discuss your child's needs. We ask that you contact our Education Director, Bruce Frost, with any questions bruce@hollyhillfarm.org. If approved our office will need to complete your registration.
Did you know we are a non-profit organization and our education and farming operations only cover 70% of the cost to operate Friends of Holly Hill Farm? Your membership supports our non-profit organization and is good for one full year. You will receive benefits like early access to registration, discounted vacation week and special one-day programming for children, early members-only access to our annual organic plant sale, discounted farm-to-table dinner tickets, and more!
Q: Do members get early access? How does that work?
A: Current Members will receive early access to registration. One day before to the public. Membership must be current through February 5, 2025 + to receive early access information. Membership must be current on registration date through the duration of your child's program. The deadline to renew or join be included in early registration emails is midnight, February 2, 2025. To renew or join click here.
Q: I'm a current member. How does early registration day for members work?
A: On member early registration day all members will receive an email with a special secret registration link Only this link will work. Make sure you have not unsubscribed to our emails. (If you unsubscribed we are not able to send emails to you). Due to the volume of emails and questions on registration day, we may not be able to assist you right away.
Q: I am a member and I didn't get the special member-only email about early registration?
A: Did you unsubscribe to our emails? If so you have asked to not receive our emails and we are not able to email you. The email associated with your membership may be going to someone else in your household - check that account too. Is it in your spam or junk folder? Did your membership expire before February 5, 2025? The email comes from Friends of Holly Hill Farm. We will send a test email the Monday before member registration day - if you do not receive that email please email programs@hollyhillfarm.org by noon 2/4/25. Unfortunately due to the volume of calls and emails we receive on registration opening days, we may not be able to assist you immediately.
Q: What if I'm not a member or my membership expired? How can I be included in member early registration day?
New or rejoining members must do so by midnight, February 2, 2025 in order to receive early access communications. No exceptions. Do so here.
Q: What if I don't remember my membership status?
Check your email for our confirmation/thank you, the printed letter we mailed to you at the time you joined, or your credit card statement. Your membership is good for one year from the date of payment, You can contact us if you cannot find this information and our office can provide that to you. Contact us prior to February 1 to ensure we are able to get back to you in time for early registration.
Members Only Early Registration Highlights:
Due to the high demand for programs and the complexities of registration administration, please select your program weeks carefully.
All cancellations must be made in writing.
*Exception: requests to swap the same child into a different week’s session made within 72 hours of original registration and by March 15, 2025 can be granted with a fee of $50. Requests to switch after this date are subject to our full cancellation policy as stated above.
Families will be required to read and accept our cancellation policy upon registration on our registration site.
Email us here to cancel: programs@hollyhillfarm.org
In the event that Friends of Holly Hill Farm cancels or adjusts the program hours due to severe weather or circumstances beyond our control, we will notify families as soon as possible via email and text alerts. We will also try to post changes to our website as well.
We encourage families to check their inboxes in the morning before heading to the farm.
If two or more days are canceled due to weather in a one week session, families will have the opportunity to have the additional days refunded, or the family can donate the amount to our nonprofit organization.
© 2025 Friends Holly Hill Farm, Inc.
236 Jerusalem Road, Cohasset, MA 02025
781-383-6565 info@hollyhillfarm.org
Friends of Holly Hill Farm is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
Tax ID: (EIN: 01-0598057)